Friday Fictioneers – Writing on the Wall


PHOTO PROMPT © Jellico’s Stationhouse

When I wake, there is writing on the wall – “my thoughts abandon me with every word”. Had I written that? The script is elegant and flowing, unlike my scrawl.

Writing should be confined to notebooks – on walls it’s a transgression. At the age of eight I was punished for writing on the lounge wall, sent to bed without supper. Even after two coats of paint, the message still seeped through.

I envy those who can write on walls without guilt, but the infestation of words troubles me. I wonder how it would feel to write on human skin.


Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields  to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here.

Fancy sharpening your skill with writing exercises? The Scrivener’s Forge offers a new exercise every month to hone one aspect of your craft. Take a look at this month’s exercise on character and likeability


87 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Writing on the Wall

  1. Dear Neil,

    “…the infestation of words.” Sounds like a writer’s malady. Love the phrase. It sounds like this person might have the makings of a tattoo artist. At least that’s what I’m hoping for. As always you’ve used your words well, whether written on computer or walls.



    Liked by 1 person

      1. yeah, there is that. I’ve written on animal skin, and the feel under the pen is indeed different.


  2. This sounds menacing right from the start. The idea of strange writing appearing, of other writing being ineradicable, and that ponderous, detached self questioning at the end. Very atmospheric.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Aha! I was reading your story as you were reading mine. But your story made me ponder. The last line gave me the creeps, made me think of Hannibal. But as writers, we are the spreading the infestation of words, aren’t we?


  4. The Egyptians certainly knew how to write on walls, they were better at it than so called tattoo artists. I did see a hint of darkness in the use of human skin.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Very nice turns of phrases. The last line seems creepy. I’m not sure why. After all, my great grandson loves writing on his skin and, although it can be hard to get rid of, it doesn’t really harm him. Maybe it’s because the prompt turned my thoughts dark.

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  6. Enjoyed your writing. However, neither you nor anyone else is allowed to write on my walls. 😉

    As for writing on human skin, I often used to write memos on my palm. We have a friend who, as a teen, had his arms all tatoo-ed. Twenty years later he’s using a laser tool to remove it all. Now THAT’S painful!

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  7. Superb last line- I envy those who can write on walls without guilt, but the infestation of words troubles me. I wonder how it would feel to write on human skin.
    Keep writing- anywhere or everywhere, it doesn’t matter as long as it is as exquisite as these.

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  8. I’ve long heard the expression, The writing is on the Wall, but never took it literally, nor viewed it from other perceptions. I have experienced an infestation of words. Those creepy little boogers crawl all over everything, get in your ears, your eyes, even your beard. Tough to get rid of too.

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  9. I have a horrible feeling that I’ll be dreaming of tattooing dead bodies in my dreams tonight. Possibly not good to visit Friday Fictioneers just before bed…
    That last line was brilliant!
    xx Rowena

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  10. I tanned my son’s hide for writing on the wall. 30 mins after I had finished papering the room.

    I hope he becomes as talented writer as you 🙂

    – Lisa

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  11. You got a scared, ‘Ugh’ from me for that last line, tattoos never entered my mind. Brilliant story and writing. I sometimes nod off when writing very late and then find oddly intriguing sentence fragments that have no connection to what I wrote before. Should I be concerned? ;


  12. By some coincidence, I’ve just read a novel in which a psychopathic serial killer liked to carve words on his victim’s chest. I would stick to pen and paper, or a computer if I were you. Much less messy 😉


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